Nye Neighborhood Association Draft Meeting Agenda
Thursday October 17 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Newport Performing Arts Center (PAC) Lobby
This will be an in person only meeting
Note: Per Association Bylaws official actions need Board vote approval. Discussion and participation on any items are open to everyone in attendance
Our Mission: To improve and enhance the quality of life in the Nye Neighborhood community by encouraging community engagement, identity and awareness.
5 Minutes Introductions, Reading of Mission Statement, Review Agenda, *Approve minutes of 8/7/24 Meeting
10 Minutes- Reports
*Approve Financial Report- Tom Ettel, Treasurer
Review budget for remainder of year- *Approve any changes
Utility Pedestals- Jill Pridgeon
10 Minutes- Announcements
Banner Project update- Veronica Lundell
Update on City parking plans for Nye Beach- Jan Kaplan
5 Minutes- History Party recap
Reporting volunteer hours- Tom Ettel
Art and Landscape Workgroup- Cal Blake
Pollinator Garden(s); Bench Repairs, Plaque for Skatepark Bench
Events Workgroup- Jan Kaplan
Discussion and possible decision on date, venue and format for Holiday Gathering
*Budget for Holiday gathering
Discuss Board recruitment- NNA Board has up to 9 members. There are currently 6 members. New members are elected at Annual Meeting in January/February. Officers are elected at Annual Meeting (President, Treasurer, Secretary). Board President Kaplan wishes to remain on the Board but will not continue as President once term ends.
Proposal for Hex Sign project- Jill Pridgeon
Nye Neighbors Board and General Meeting
Thursday, October 17
PAC Lobby
The Nye Neighborhood Association (NNA) will be meeting this Thursday 10/17 from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. Following the Board/General meeting there will be social time with light snacks and beverages. Please join us.
We will have updates on the City of Newport parking plans for Nye Beach and the issue of unsightly utility pedestals around the neighborhood.
Possible dates, venues, and formats for our Annual Holiday Gathering will be discussed. The Arts and Landscaping workgroup will report on progress of pollinator gardens and benches in the neighborhood.
There will also be discussion on recruiting new Board members and leadership position appointments since Board President Kaplan has announced that he will not continue in that role following the Annual meeting in February.
Interested in more about the Nye Neighborhood Association (NNA)?
Click on Who are we? for more information
Send us an email with questions